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When labor is delayed for any reason, the doctor may make the decision to induce labor—a process in which your uterine contractions are stimulated to help achieve birth. There are a number of benefits associated with labor induction, but it does not come without its own risks as well.

Why is Labor Induction Conducted?

There are plenty of situations considered by medical professionals to determine if labor induction is necessary during the pregnancy. Typically, these are the most common reasons a doctor may choose to induce labor:

  • If your pregnancy has gone beyond its due date, usually by around two weeks or so
  • If your water has already broken, but you have not gone into labor yet
  • If you have an infection in your uterus
  • If your baby’s growth is restricted, and their weight is 10 percent below expected for gestational age
  • If you do not have enough amniotic fluid
  • If you have gestational diabetes
  • If you suffer from any disorder causing high blood pressure during your pregnancy
  • If your placenta has torn away from the uterus—typically referred to as placental abruption
  • If you suffer from various medical conditions

Labor induction can help you with a healthy and successful vaginal birth, but there are some problems that can arise as well. It is important to fully understand the risks and what is involved to make an informed decision for yourself and for your baby.

What Are the Risks of Labor Induction?

Before you accept your doctor’s decision to induce labor, it’s important to know these important facts:

  • Roughly 25 percent of labor inductions can fail, resulting in you still needing a C-section.
  • Medication often used to induce labor can result in a reduced oxygen supply and result in a lower than normal heart rate in your baby.
  • If you go through membrane rupture as the form of labor induction and the rupture remains for an extended period of time, it could lead to infection.
  • While rare, uterine rupture can occur during labor induction and an emergency C-section may be required.
  • Labor induction can also impact your muscles’ ability to contract after birth, making serious bleeding after delivery a possibility.

It’s important to discuss whether you are right for labor induction and what problems you may experience.

If your doctor proceeds with labor induction despite your choice, or if their actions cause harm to you or your baby, you can speak with our Chicago birth injury lawyers at Beam Legal Team to determine what rights you may have to file legal action.

Call our firm today at (866) 404-5221 to discuss your rights.

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